Vending Machines

Telemetry System
We are now using a State of the Art Telemetry system on our machines that is remotely monitored allowing us to check the sales, re-stocking & any can highlight any fault that may arise, from our office computer or Smart phones – 24/7. Using this telemetry allows us to re-stock your machine more accurately, alerting us to products that may be sold out, reducing sales. The system gives us daily, weekly & monthly sales, inventory levels & fault alarms.

Credit Card System
At 4 Square Vending we are now installing our Machines with a Credit card facility. The facility allows customers to Tap & Go with a credit card or Swipe their card for a Cashless transaction to purchase a Vending machine item.

Members Loyalty Card System
We are able to install a Member’s Loyalty Card System onto our machines for installation in Clubs. Each machine with the Swipe system allows the patron to swipe their Club Members card to purchase items from the Vending machine, making it easier for patrons, not having to use coin or cash. Some of our Club’s currently using this system are Mingara, Central Coast Leagues Club, Wallsend Diggers & Cardiff RSL.
Snack Vending Machines
We offer only quality Snack Vending machines for your needs. 4 Square Vending are supported by three suppliers of the markets leading machines from small to large machines to meet your organizations need. The machines can be arranged for you to stock a complete range of products, including healthy alternatives such as Tuna Kits, Noodles, Muesli bars & slices, Microwave meals and the usual extensive range of chips, chocolates, cookies, lollies and more.
We use Snack machines with the latest technology such as “Sure Vend” and “Golden Eye”. These features guarantee the product purchased is delivered or money back . We also use the latest Note Readers for patrons no longer need to look for change, simply insert a note.
Crane MEDIA Ambient

6 Wide – H 1830 mm, W 1112 mm,
D 978 mm, W 276 kg

4 Wide – H 1830 mm, W 834 mm,
D 978 mm, W 231 kg

Drink Vending Machines
We can supply a large number of different Drink Vending machines, from the standard closed front machine where you choose your product from a panel of selections, unable to see the product until delivery. We can also install Glass front machines where a full selection of drinks is on display. Our drink range is extensive from all the leading Soft drinks, waters, Juices, Ice Tea, Energy drinks & Flavoured milks.
Dixie Narco MEDIA Bevmax 4
Dimensions – H 1830 mm, W 1194 mm, D 813 mm, W 347 kg
Frozen Food Vending Machines
We are able to stock any frozen item your business may require. With items such as Pies (many varieties), Sausage Rolls, Hero Rolls, Pizza Pockets, Healthy Frozen Meals such as weight Watchers & Lean Cuisine, Ice creams, Ice blocks & more. The Frozen machines have energy efficient heated doors for reduced condensation, any other health & safety features. Food is always kept at the required minimum for frozen goods.
Crane MEDIA Combo Chilled
Dimensions 6 Wide – H 1830 mm, W 1156 mm, D 826 mm, W 330 kg

Combo Vending Machines
Introducing the lastest in Space Awareness. In today’s fast paced world, space is a much needed commodity. Now you can have an “All in One Combo” placed anywhere it suits. No more numerous large unsightly machines. Combos offer drinks and snacks vended from the one machine. Perfect for that area that needs service but has a smaller customer requirement.

Crane MEDIA Combo Chilled
Dimensions 6 Wide
H 1830 mm, W 1156 mm,
D 826 mm, W 330 kg
YZ Series: 350, 450 and 550
Dimensions 350 – H 1830 mm, W 801 mm, D 825 mm, W 300 kg
Dimensions 450 – H 1830 mm, W 930 mm, D 830 mm, W 335 kg
Dimensions 550 – H 1840 mm, W 1095 mm, D 830 mm, W 365 kg
H 1830 mm, W 890 mm,
D 793 mm, W 270 kg

Chocolate Factory
The Chocolate Factory is a dedicated chocolate bar crane with a secondary feature in a pusher type table that gives players the opportunity to win a number of chocolates at the one time. Players pick up what chocolates tehy can with the claws of the specially tuned crane claws of the specially tuned crane claws that make picking up the chocolates in the first place pretty easy, and its load is dropped on the pusher table which may then reward them, possibly with the big bunch of chocolates that is teetering in the edge of the payout bin.
Win ‘n’ Grin
Win ‘n’ Grin players attempt to pick up what toy they can with the claws that make picking up the toys in the first place pretty easy, depending on the players skill and it’s load is dropped into the shute to reward them.